Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jami's Confession

I am confessing my ice cream and carb sins. 
I guess if I feel like I have people to report too, I'm more likely to stay on track.  Here goes: 

    -- So the first half of the first week I was rocking it! Exercising, eating right... etc.  My muscles were so sore, I was sore in muscles I didn't know I had!  (this is a good thing- I haven't been sore in years).  And then,  I went on a weekend trip with my husband... hello fast food, pizza, and the ever so tempting Ben and Jerry's.   The exercise went out the window,  so did the diet. 

So...  I'm going to try again.  Start anew and get back on track.   So here we go week two!

Thanks for letting me confess- 
 it makes me feel better for some reason!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! It's all good jami! That's why this contest is two months and not two weeks. It gives us a chance to redeem ourselves when we give in :)
