My boss at the Sports Academy in Logan has been gracious enough to give free 1 month passes to all of our contestants who are not already members!
I'll be giving him a list of names on Sept. 2nd and that is when you can start going! (Go to the membership office when you get there)-- you need to do an intro post on the 1st in order to get your name on the list.
He also has offered to give one person a free boot camp session!
So I'm thinking of doing something a little bit different for this one.
Everyone measure their hips, waist, and thighs and then e-mail me the measurements.( The person who loses the most inches in the 2 months wins the bootcamp prize!
Also, fellow contestants have offered to donate prizes like massages, Mary-Kay, Sentsy, private pilates lessons, and more!
Those contestants will pick a contest for us to participate in to win the prizes, so check in on the blog often!
Hello ladies!! My name is Brooke Anderson, I'm going to be participating in this contest and I am also hosting our weekly meetings. I have offered to hold the meetings at Citrus & Sage, my husband and I own The Crepery inside Citrus & Sage and pay enough rent to warrant weekly meetings:) Our weekly meetings will consist of weigh-in's (opt), nutritional lessons, fitness guidance, and simply to support one another. I will post weekly to let you all know what the topic is for the week. Tomorrow we will be doing a weigh in for whomever is interesting in being accountable to the group:) If you would rather weigh yourself, no biggy. We will also be discussing tips and tricks of healthy weight loss...tomorrow's meeting will take place at 1pm. If you can't make it and want to weigh yourself then call or text me 435-720-0916 and I'll meet you at C & S to weigh you. Meetings will take place at different times during the week, so check in regularly with the blog to see if you can make it. Thanks!!